ICETA 9|| 9th International Conference on Educational Technology of Adi Buana Surabaya
26 Agustus 2017 || ISBN: 978-979-8559-97-6
Penerbit : Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
Penulis 1: RR. Laili Rizkiyah
Penulis 2: Sugito
Penulis 3: Harwanto
This research consists of two purposes: general purpose and special purpose. The common goal is to develop a Cooperative Learning based learning tool that can be used to improve the science process skills of junior high school students. While the specific objectives are: a) Describe the validity of learning tools based on Cooperative Learning developed in terms of content aspects, formats, and language. B) Describe the practicality of learning tools based on Cooperative Learning developed in terms of aspects of the implementation of RPP and c). Describe the effectiveness of learning tools based on Cooperative Learning developed in terms of some aspects of science process skills and student responses. Development is done using 4D model consisting of three stages of the process that is define, design, and develop. This type of research is one group pre test post test. Data collection is done through validation, observation, test and questionnaire.
The analysis was conducted using qualitative and quantitative descriptive. From the research result data obtained that: validity of RPP 3.50 valid category with match equal to 98,97%, validation of student textbook 3,66 very valid and percentage of match 95,89%; Validity of student activity sheet 3,73 and 96,39% match; Validity of knowledge aspect test 3,78 and 95,0% match, validity test of skill aspect of science process 3,65 and match rate 91,43%. From the result of data analysis, the learning completeness level is high and able to surpass the KKM that has been established by the school that is equal to 85,16 for knowledge and 86,94 for pregnancy of science process. So it can be concluded that the learning device IPA subject matter sense and optical tools using cooperative learning model has a level of quality and good effectiveness to improve students’ science process skills.
Keywords: Learning Device Development, Cooperative Learning Model, Skill of Science Process.