ICETA 8 || 8th International Conference on Educational Technology of Adi Buana Surabaya
29 Oktober 2016 || ISBN: 978-979-8559-98-3
Penerbit : University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
Penulis 1: Liknin Nugraheni
Penulis 2: Sri Rahayu
One factor constituting a major concern for teachers to improve the quality of Machine Technology of vocational education is the student’s ability to solve problems so that they can understand and apply the concept comprehensibly and profoundly. Understanding concepts of Trigonometry comprehensibly and profoundly facilitates the vocational high school students learn other subjects such as engineering drawings that sustains manufacturing drawing techniques subjects, lathe machining engineering, milling machining techniques, and CNC machining techniques. One of the advantages of the process involving metacognition in mathematical problem solving is the development of strong and thorough understanding of the math problems. On the basis of this phenomenon, the researchers felt the need to examine more deeply about the profile of the metacognition of the Machine Technology vocational high school students with lower ability and field independent cognitive style in mathematical problem solving in particular trigonometry. The present study was explorative with qualitative approach. It was held at the Machine Technology Department of SMK Krian 1 (a vocational high school) of Sidoarjo.The main instrument in this study was the researchers themselves as human tools. The data analysis has started from the preparation of the study until after the data collection process was complete. The further data analysis was carried out into four stages: the categorization of data, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. The results
indicated that the students with poor field independent cognitive styles conducted very minimal metacognitive activity in problem solving trigonometry.
Keywords: Metacognition, Low Ability, Cognitive Style, Troubleshooting, Trigonometry