Oleh : Eny Wahyudati, S2 – Pascasarjana
Learning is a process of discovery and invention of everything that is around us. The focus of the quality of teaching is always “Learning”. A good teacher, should be a good learner, too. To improve the learning process in the world of formal education to understand how the learning process took place is very important for children’s learning process. Children need to learn well in building understanding through appropriate media. The teacher is a very important role in the learning process. Teachers who facilitate the students for their success in learning. In learning mathematics, teacher is very necessary to use the media to help students understand the material learned. The medium used by teachers adapted to the conditions of teaching materials, teacher capability and availability of media. For example; card number, used boxes, puppets, pictures, colors, software. and others. But in the modern era are now widely available media that we encounter. It’s just whether the media is in conformity with the conditions that are necessary in learning, or whether the media can be reached by teachers from all walks of life. Teachers need to create your own instructional media. The main medium of learning that involves a computer tool. Electronic media in the form of software available and a good variety of models and prices. But there are still shortcomings, particularly in terms of completeness and conformance with the Competency Standards and Basic Competence in the Curriculum teaching materials. To make learning more meaningful at a reasonable cost, teachers need to be creative in learning media in accordance with the ability of technological knowledge they possess, thus learning would be more optimal and maximum results. Students will easily learn and will easily reach the achievement. Teachers will find satisfaction in performing tasks and generate the appropriate media.