Teacher’s Problems and Dificulties Related to Learning Resources in Classrooms


Prof. Dr. Iskandar Wiryokusumo, M.Sc., [email protected]


The development of technology has particularly strong influence on the
process of learning in this era. Demands on teachers are increasing rapidly as
more and more diverse sources of learning serve as the primary means of learning.
Teachers are required to have higher competence in dealing with the learning
process in the form of technological learning resources. Learning technology is
becoming increasingly sophisticated as it employs learning resources such as
instructional/TV, CAI, CD room, internet etc. Teachers are demanded to improve competence in this era. Difficulties faced by teachers in the face of these demands, among others, as said by Gilbert (1982) include remuneration issues, explanation, motivation, ability of personnel in the knowledge/skills of teachers. In practice, they should be complete, integrative and meet the standards. In addition, the schools also must accept changes in the learning resources “controlled” by the electronic elements. Besides, there are other difficulties, such as the difficulty of software and not much knowledge about the benefits of IT nationwide. In the next step to address such matters, the need for a national network of activity centers/local/ specially in electronic learning should also be addressed.

Keyword : teacherÂ’s problems and difficulties, learning resources

Career Guidance in the Globalization Era

Author: Prof.Dr. H. Mohammad Surya, [email protected]


Education is an important instrument in the preparation and development of human resources, which is necessary for nation building. This study elaborates on the importance of education in relation to career development and economic
growth in an era of globalization and the need for career guidance services for high school students.

Keyword : career guidance, globalization era