The speech Acts Used In Life Of Pi Movie
Elvira Rista Vionita,
Dyah Rochmawati,
There has been research dealing with the speech acts used in life of Pi movie (2012). this research was limited to the types of speech acts which were used in life of Pi movie. For this purposed, the research question was formulated as follows: “how are the speech acts used in ‘Life of Pi’ movie (2012)? In response to this question, the researcher used a descriptive qualitative research that describe the data from the result of watching the movie, finding out the script, noting/ indentifying, classifying, analyzing the data from the source of the data and making conclusion. The research showed that there were four types of speech acts, i.e. representatives, expressive, directives, and commissive. Based on the finding, it was concluded that the most utterances used by the all characters ranged from representative, directive, expressive, and commissives speech act. And there was the speakers said but also from setting of the movie, and the action of the speakers itself. Those were also helped to define the speech acts in the movie.
Keyword : speech acts, types of speech act, life of pi movie