The speech Acts Used In Life Of Pi Movie


Elvira Rista Vionita,


Dyah Rochmawati,


There has been research dealing with the speech acts used in life of Pi movie (2012). this research was limited to the types of speech acts which were used in life of Pi movie. For this purposed, the research question was formulated as follows: “how are the speech acts used in ‘Life of Pi’ movie (2012)? In response to this question, the researcher used a descriptive qualitative research that describe the data from the result of watching the movie, finding out the script, noting/ indentifying, classifying, analyzing the data from the source of the data and making conclusion. The research showed that there were four types of speech acts, i.e. representatives, expressive, directives, and commissive. Based on the finding, it was concluded that the most utterances used by the all characters ranged from representative, directive, expressive, and commissives speech act. And there was the speakers said but also from setting of the movie, and the action of the speakers itself. Those were also helped to define the speech acts in the movie.

Keyword : speech acts, types of speech act, life of pi movie

phrasal patterns used in covergirl advertisement slogan


Erini Retno Sari,


Dyah Rochmawati,


The present study investigated how the phrasal pattern is used in the advertisement slogans to understood by the readers. For this purpose, the research questions were formulated as follows: (1) what the kind of phrasal patterns are used in the COVERGIRL advertisement slogans? (2) what are their meaning in the slogans? (3) how are woman represented as reflected in the slogans? In response to these questions, the study employed a descriptive research design embracing the characteristics of qualitative text analysis. The source of data was twenty slogans of COVERGIRL advertisement in 2009-2013. The finding revealed that (1) the grammar analysis of the advertisement slogans consisted of noun phrase and verb phrase, (2) the meaning of COVERGIRL advertisement slogans are consisted of denotation meaning, connotations meaning, lexical meaning and grammatical meaning, and idiomatic meaning, (3) women represented as the beauty and the body, the objectification, and sexuality. Those ways are easy to understan to the advertisement slogans in COVERGIRL  advertisement. Finally the present study would, hopefully provide a reach reference to the research of advertisement slogans and source for further advertisement slogan research.

Keyword : phrasal pattern, advertisement slogans

The Analysis Of Conflict Faced By Prince Albert In The King’s Speech Movie


Ifa Andriani,


This study aimed to analyze prince albert’s conflicts in the king’s speech movie because of some reasons. Firsty, conflict is an essential part and the heart of movie. Secondly, this movie is an inspirational one that won a lot of awards. The research questions are (1) what the kinds of conflicts are faced by Prince Albert in The Kings Speech movie? (2) how are the conflict resolution? The study used qualitative approach to find out conflicts faced by Prince Albert in The King’s Speech. The source of data in this research was The King’s Speech movie script. The documentation technique was applied qualitative method. The research findings show that Princes Albert faces internal and social conflicts, however he does not face physical conflict. Prince Albert’s internal conflicts are conflict with his stammer, conflict with his fear, conflict with his lack of self confidence and frustration, conflict with his anger, and conflict with his desire. While the social conflict are conflict with Lionel Logue, conflict with David, conflict with the Archbishop, and conflict with the society. Each of the conflict has its resolution.

Keyword : conflict, the King’s speech

The Influence Of Using Picture Series Media To Student’s Speaking Achievement For Eleventh Grade Of SMK Negeri 6 Surabaya


Dwiana Arum Pratiwi,



Media is something which is used to make understand between sender and receiver. picture series is several or sequence events, action or steps that come in photographic representation of people, place, and things and happened one after the other. Speaking achievement is achivement to convey our ideas, opinions or message orally. It is always used in everyday life; it is the only one way when we want to communicate to each oyhe orally. The aim of this paper is to find out the influence of using picture series media to student’s s[eaking achievement. The research employed true experiment design with pre-test and post-test control group design. In the research was found that there was improvement on student’s speaking achievement. After the data is analyzed by using t-test at the level significance 5%=0.05, t-calculate (5.09) is higher than t-table (2.01). It can be said that the student’s speaking achievement using picute series media is better than using flashcard. It means, that there is positive influence og using picture series media to student’s speaking achievement.

Keyword : media, picture series, speaking achievement

Politeness Strategy In America Folktales : “The King’s Well”




Politness is used as the means by speakers to show awarness of listeners face or other people’s face. People use politness to safe other people’s face. Politeness is a part of people’s knowledge to have appropriate behavior in certain situation and to keep good interaction and social relation with othe people. In this case, politeness is used to save face in order to have and keep a good interaction. This paper focuses in analyzing the politeness strategy in American Folktales “The KIng’s Well.” The data were collected by reading and analyzing the folktales. This paper also discussed the type of positive politnessused by the main character in the folktales. The study hopes to add a new perspective on jow American folktales as literary discourse can be analyzed from a linguistic or socio-pragmatic background. In addition to this, it may also help in revealing some insights related to the phenomenon of politeness in the literary discourse in the American culture that will help readers from other cultures to achieve better understanding and interaction when dealing with dealing with literary texts.

Keyword : politness strategy, folktales

Previous Studies On Pragmatic Competence Of English Community Of Practice In Indonesia


Nunung Nurjati,

Ferra Dian Andanty,


Pragmatic competence recently has become pin point in learning English specially if English is taught as a second language. Various research about pragmatic competence has been implemented by educators of English. The purpose of the study is to examine further the results of research on communities of practice which pragmatic competence as center of attention in teaching English in Indonesia. The design of the paper is descriptive. The writer examines four previous research to be explored from different persepective. Results of this study will be used to provided direction in the later study by the same research focus but with a different subject.

Keyword : pragmatic competence, previous studies, community of practice