A Study of Educational Innovation and Strategy Found in Freedom Writers Movie

Literature is a permanent writing, which expresses and communicates
thoughts, feelings and attitudes towards life and the world. The problems of this
research are “What kinds of characteristics of educational innovation are done by
Erin Gruwell in Freedom Writers Movie? and the next problem is “What kinds of
strategies of educational innovation are used by Erin Gruwell in Freedom Writers
Movie?” The first purpose of this reseach is to find the kinds of strategies of
educational innovation used by Erin GruwelL The second purpose is to find the
kinds of strategies of educational innovation used by Erin Gruwell. The primary
data source is the movie of Freedom Writers movie directed by Richard
LaGravenesse. The secondary data sources are the author’s biography, essay,
comment, homepage, and website about the movie and other relevant sources.
The procedures of the data analysis which are used by the writer are such as
follows: classifying the kinds of characteristics of educational innovation which
are done by Erin Gruwell and and describing them to find the kinds of strategies
of educational innovation. Based on research findings, the writer concludes that
Erin in the Freedom Writers Movie perfoms four kinds of characteristics of
educational innovation. They are relative advantage, compatibility, complexity,
and triability. He also finds four kinds of strategies of educational innovation, they
are facilitative strategy, re-educative strategy, persuasive strategy, and power

A Study of Educational Innovation and Strategy Found in Freedom Writers Movie

The Use of Career Guidance to Improve Student’s Career Adaptability

The Study evaluated whether students participating in career guidance
designed to increase career adaptability would make gains on career adaptability
post test score compared with their pretest score. Twenty eight students
participated in 8 sessions treatment of career guidance, the result indicated that,
compared with the pretest score, the participants improved on career adaptability
dimensions, (1) career planning dimension; (2) career exploration dimension; (3)
career decision making dimension, and (4) problem solving dimension, the
discussions focuses on implications for counseling, limitations of the study and
future research.


The Use of Career Guidance to Improve Student’s Career Adaptability

The Needs of Computer-Based Career Guidance for Senior High School Students

Needs of senior high school students on a computer-based career guidance
are important aspects that need to be responded positively by creating a model of
adequate career guidance using computer technology as a tool. This study
involved 190 senior high school students as research respondents. The results of
this study indicate that the majority of the 145 students or 75.92% stated requiring
career guidance of computer-based as a tool to understand the interest in majors in
college; most of the 154 students or 80.63% stated requiring of career guidance of
computer-based as a tool to understand their talent; most of the 155 students or
81.16% stated requiring computer-based career guidance as a tool to understand
the advantages and strengths of its potential; most of the 150 students or 78.53%
stated requiring career guidance of computer-based as a tool to understand the
weaknesses their possession; and most of the 150 students or 78.53% stated
requiring career guidance of computer-based as a tool to select the
department/program of study in college.

The Needs of Computer-Based Career Guidance for Senior High School Students

The Perceptions of Islamic Career Prospects of Senior High School Students


Dr. Hartono, M.Si, [email protected]


Islamic senior high school studentsÂ’ career prospects are an important issue
to be studied in the global society. The study was conducted through a descriptive
survey study involving 188 senior high school students of the eleventh-grade of
Islamic educational institutions in the region of Surabaya. The research data was collected by using questionnaire method and analyzed with descriptive statistical analysis techniques. The findings of this study show that 90.96% of respondents regard that Islamic career prospects are good based on the criteria of promotion, 87.77% of respondents regard that Islamic career prospects are good based on the
criteria of aspirations, 83.51% of respondents regard that Islamic career prospects are good based on the criteria of career goals, 80.32% of respondents regard that Islamic career prospects are good based on the criteria of compensation, and 72.87% of respondents regard that Islamic career prospects are good based on criteria of sustainability.

Keyword : perception, prospects, and career of islamic