26-27 April 2016
Penyelenggara : Institut Pendidikan Guru Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
Penulis : Tri Indrayanti
Education is a major milestone in human life. In the 21st century, education is said to be important because education can ensure students have the skills to learn and innovate, skills in using technology and media information, and can work, and survive by using skills for life (life skills).
The creation of a good life in accordance with the guidelines and principles of humanity to the role of education, In development , education constantly changing, this is due along with the changing times , marked by the advancement of technology and information.
For example in Indonesia, education in the country suffered a variety of curriculum development. Starting from the curriculum - Lesson Plan Lesson Plans detailed in Unraveling (1947), curriculum Education Plan Elementary School (1964), Primary School Curriculum ( 1968 ), Pioneer School Curriculum Development Project ( PPSP ) in 1973, Primary School Curriculum (1975), curriculum 1984, Curriculum 1994, Revised Curriculum 1994, Pioneering Competency Based Curriculum ( KBK ) 2004, Curriculum Level Education Unit (KTSP) 2006, up to curriculum 2013.
Of the various applications of the curriculum in Indonesia, curriculum implementation in 2013 is regarded as a complement curriculum mindset that has never existed. Curriculum 2013 is supported by the use of steps to strengthen the learning process by using a scientific approach and contextual so that the balance between attitudes skills and knowledge to build and Hard Skills Soft Skills can be achieved. It is also supported by a scoring system that is authentic.
IKeywords : curriculum 2013, scientific approach and contextual , 21st century education