Revolusi Mental dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling: Berpikir, Bersikap, dan Bertindak Produktif
PROCEDINGS || Seminar Nasional Bimbingan dan Konseling || Tema: Revolusi Mental dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling
Yogyakarta, 08 Februari 2015 || ISBN: 978-979-8559-38-9
Penerbit : Adi Buana University Press
Penulis : Hartono
Increasingly important imaging of guidance and counseling in schools, encouraging author as Regional Executive of Indonesian Guidance and Counselling Association, province of East Java, was intrigued to conduct studies in the form of writing and presenting papers of national seminar with theme on the Bounce off Revolution in Guidance and Counseling. In keeping with the theme, this paper examines the need for teachers of guidance and counseling as the main actors do a bounce off revolution in guidance and counseling by way of thinking, acting, and acting productive in the middle of his duties as an educator profession mandated by Indonesian republic law number 14 of 2005 on teachers and lecturer. Teachers of guidance and counseling who serves as custodian of expert guidance and counseling services which makes student’s autonomy as counselee, usually able to think and act in a positive and productive action in an effort to improve imaging of profession, by increasing the competence and quality of guidance and counseling services to learner/counselee, to develop themselves as a form of professional improvement sustainably, and involve themselves actively in the various activities of the profession in a container Guidance and Counselling Association of Indonesia as well as other relevant professional organizations. Keywords: think, behave, act productively.