Local Culture, Career Counseling, and Students’ Career Maturity
PDF VERSI CETAK/ASLI SERTIFIKATICETA 7 || 7th International Conference on Educational
Technology of Adi Buana, 2016 || Future
Education: Education Empowerment beyond Boundaries
13 Maret 2016 || ISBN: 978-979-3870-50-2
Penerbit : Adi Buana University Press
Penulis : Hartono
In the process of education, studentsā career maturity is constructed as an important aspect, to be achieved as a form of success in their development. This study outlines the local culture that is framed as a strategy of changing the behavior of students through career counseling services to increase the maturity of his career. Students’ individual behavior can be shaped by local culture in which they are located, at school, in the family, or in a particular community. The local culture
which contains the values, norms, customs, and traditions that have been maintained throughout the life can be constructed by the guidance and counseling teacher or school counselor adequately as strategy or technique of changing the behavior of students through career counseling services. This will be obtained expediency useful in helping students to achieve success in career development. Career success in the educational process in the formal education materialized in
career maturity that is a maturity level of the students in the act and act intelligently in making career decisions in accordance with their interests, talents, intelligence, personality characteristics, and ideals.
Keywords: local culture, career counseling and career maturity.