Development of Electronic Learning
ICETA 9 || International Conference on Educational Technology of Adi Buana 26 Agustus 2017 || ISBN: 978-979-8559-97-6 Penerbit : Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya Penulis 1: Retno Danu Rusmawati Penulis 2: Made Duananda Kartika Degeng
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the 21st century is progressing rapidly in various environmentsespecially education. This would bea good opportunity if UNIPA Surabaya took part to innovate as one part of the educational environment that utilizes ICT to improve the quality of learning. To prepare ICT as an electronic learning effort we need to: 1. Preparing Lecturers and institutions, as well as other academic community 2. training / workshop on electronic learning. 3. Lecturers and institutions need to implement electronic learning. 4. develop distance learning as a form of macro plan in UNIPA Surabaya. That’s why through this study, is trying to achieve learning toward E-Learning in accordance with the government recommendation through ministerial regulation. This is an opportunity for UNIPA Surabaya to have broad, cross-space, time, and socioeconomic, to reach the open access to education for anyone, anywhere, and anytime. This would be combined with the development of science, technology, and globalization of higher education. The research method using qualitative research method of phenomenological case study. And the source of data are students and teachers/lecturers in UNIPA Surabaya, as well as their attitude towards the development of learning in the development to become electronic learning.
Keywords: Learning Development, Electronic Learning
Facts in the field about electronic-based media of choice, especially Information and Communication Technology (ICT), to utilize not only a few small and certain, this motivates the authors to develop strategies how to utilize this ICT media correctly and maximally in learning so expected to be able to process Effective quality learning and achieving maximum learning goals. In 2016 the authors describe the use of ICT combined with the SAVI approach, the results are remarkable there is a significant change in learning outcomes and learners are encouraged to meet their learning needs independently. Along with the year 2016 the authors propose a proposal of research into the development of electronic learning at the institute Adi Buana, but unfortunately there are technically missed making the research is not or have not received funds, hopefully this year 2017 can be funded and the research can be realized and implemented. Researchers develop, apply, and utilize ICT for learning in the environment of UNIPA Surabaya. This is in line with the enactment of Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 Year 2012 on the Implementation of Distance Education (PJJ) in Higher Education, as a form of unifying education in Indonesia, and become an option and facilitate the public to access quality education.
Development of learning as a learner effort to improve the quality of learning both the learning process and learning outcomes are able to encourage learners to meet their learning needs independently. What is meant by the development of this learning is the development of teaching materials, learning media, learning process, and learning outcomes that utilize electronic media in the environment of learners both in schools, communities, and families.
2.1. Understanding of Learning Development
Development of instructional or instructional development is as a way of designing with logic or common sense to identify learning problems and efforts to solve or solve the learning problem by designing the implementation, evaluation, testing, feedback and results. According to Twelker, and Buck in Rijal define learning development as a systematic way to identify, develop, and evaluate a set of learning materials and strategies with the goal of achieving a particular goal. In this case researcher of learning development that exist in UNIPA Surabaya from rough data observed obtained by using learning data source not yet fully utilize ICT, there are still many who use learning material presented with classical face to face for 14 times meeting and twice test both UTS and UAS with paper. To change the existing learning development in UNIPA Surabaya into electronic learning. Of course the development of electronic learning is through a process that is made systematically begins with the identification of existing learning and then develop it with appropriate strategies and instructional materials are selected, and later evaluated both in achieving the objectives of learning whether effective efficient or not so that this is made Pilot project is learning at PPS UNIPA Surabaya.
2.2. Learning Development Steps
Steps of development of electronic learning this researcher adopt approach of model of Dick & Carey which there are some components with stages that must be passed as follows:
2.2.1. Identification of goals (identity instructional goals), here determines what is desired for learners to do so when they have completed the learning program. And the learning achievement certainly refers to the applicable curriculum as a result of need analysis, or practical experience with learning difficulties dip roses of electronic learning.
2.2.2. Perform instructional analysis (conducting a goal analysis)
This stage detects whether the electronic learning is needed or matched by the learners, and the results of the detection are analyzed to identify more specific skills to be studied. In the analysis of learning competencies are expected in the form of knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
2.2.3. Identify initial behavior / characteristics of learners (identity entry behaviuors, characteristic). When analyzing the skills that need to be trained and the stages of the procedure to be followed, consider what skills the learners have in learning. What is clear here is important to identify the specific characteristics of learners that are related to the design of activities or learning activities.
2.2.4. Formulating performance goals (write performance objective) results of intruksional analysis into the basis and statement of behavior or behavior of learners, then formulated a specific statement concerning things to be done after the completion of learning learners.
2.2.5. Development of creterian-referenced test items.
Development of the test as a reference measure based on the objectives formulated. The development of grain reference as a reference measures the ability of learners as predicted in the objectives.
2.2.6. Development of instructional strategy (develop instructional strategy). After the five stages above then the next identify what will be used to achieve the ultimate goal. This strategy includes pre-instructional activities, information delivery, and practice.
2.2.7. Development or select learning (develop and select instructional materials).
At this stage using a strategy to produce learning / teaching materials / teaching materials that will be used.
2.2.8. Design and conduct formative evaluation (design and conduct formative evaluation). Evaluation is conducted to obtain data used to identify or know the strengths and weaknesses of electronic learning programs. And the result of formative evaluation is used for input or input in improving the draft of electronic learning development program.
2.2.9. Write the Tool (design and conduct summative evaluation). All the results of the above stage become the basis for writing the required device. Furthermore the result of the device is validated and tested in class / implemented processed learning.
2.2.10. Instructional revisions. The data collected from the formative evaluation procedure is compiled and summarized and analyzed to determine the weaknesses or deficiencies of the electronic learning program. Design and develop summative evaluation (designand conduct summative evaluation). Summative evaluation is a different type of evaluation with formative evalution. A summative evaluation is carried out after a learning development program is formally evaluated and revised to the standards or sizes used by the designer or designer.
Information and communication technology (ICT), intended as a medium of learning that many different types and quality in cyberspace that can be used among others, internet, computer, and others.
3.1 There are several things that need to be prepared in utilizing ICT as an effort
      Electronic learning including:
3.1.1. Preparing lecturers and institutions, as well as other academic community both morally and Material carry out electronic learning.
3.1.2 .. The holding of training / workshop on electronic learning for lecturers and civitas Related academics
3.1.3 Lecturers and institutions and academic community implement and implement learning electronic.
3.1.4 Lecturers and institutions, as well as other academic community are ready to develop learning Long distance as a form of institutional macro plan
3.2 Electronic Learning
Electronic learning or e-learning is explained by Wikipedia information disclosed is that (English: Electronic learning abbreviated E-learning) can be defined as a form of information technology applied in the field of education in the form of websites that can be accessed anywhere. E-learning is the basis and logical consequence of the development of information and communication technology (ICT). With E-learning, teaching participants (learner or students, or students or learners) do not need to sit sweetly in the lecture hall to listen to every utterance from the Lecturer directly. E-learning can also shorten the schedule of learning time targets, and of course save costs to be incurred by educational programs or courses.
Another source also explains that E-learning is a system or educational concept that utilizes information technology in the learning process. Another source describes E-learning as follows:
3.2.1. Ardiansyah 2013, states that E-learning is a learning system that uses the means to the learning process without having to face face-to-face between learners with learners or lecturers with students in a process of learning not face to face directly but using information and communication technology (ICT)
3.2.2. Michael, 2013. Mentioned that E-learning is a learning that is prepared with the purpose of using electronic or computer systems so as to support the learning process.
3.2.3. Candrawati, 2010. Mentioned that E-learning is a process of distance learning by combining principles in the learning process with technology.
3.2.4. Rosenberg, 2001. E-learning has a networking characteristic, which enables it to quickly recover or retrieve, distribute and share learning and information.
Basically E-learning is a learning process that abandons the conventional ways and utilizes the sophistication of digital equipment in the learning process that is carried out from learning planning, learning process, and evaluation of learning that is able to communicate two-way reciprocity.
As E-learning quotes from e-learning manuals (Kemendikbud: 2011) explains that E-learning is an arbitrary teaching and learning that uses electronic circuits (LANs, WANs, or the Internet) to convey learning content, interaction, or guidance.
Ardiansyah, Ivan. 2013. Eksplorasi Pola Komunikasi Dalam Diskusi Menggunakan Model
pada Perkuliahan Simulasi Pembelajaran Kimia. Bandung: Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia.
Chamot, A.U., Barnhardt, S, ElDinary P. B. & Robbins, J. 1999. The Learning Strategies
             Handbook . New York:Addison-Wesley
Creswell, John W. 2009. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method
Approaches.Third edition, Sage Publication Inc. USA.
Kemendikbud, 2011. Panduan Pembelajaran Elektronik (E-learning) di Sekolah
Kemenristekdikti. 2016. Panduan Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ). Jakarta: DirJen
      Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Kementerian Riset, Treknologi, dan Pendidikan
Michael, Allen. 2013. Guide to E-learning. Canada: John Wiley & Sons
Rusmawati, Retno Danu. 2016. Pendekatan SAVI untuk Pembelajaran Memanfaatkan
       Teknik Informasi Dan Komunikasi. Surabaya: UNIPA Surabaya.
Retno Danu Rusmawati is a Lecturer of Post Graduate of Education Technology of PGRI University Adi Buana Surabaya. Address on Jalan Dukuh Menanggal XII surabaya. He received his Doctoral degree from S3 Learning Technology State University of Malang Year 2015 under the beatswa BPPS RISTEKDIKTI. His dissertation received a RISTEKDIKTI grant. Dissertation Title is:”Self-Regulation of Learning Indonesian High School Students”. Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]
Made Duananda Kartika Degeng is a Postgraduate Lecturer of IPS Education of Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang. He is now Head of Kanjuruhan Malang University Learning Development Center 2016-2017. The last education is S3 TEP UM Malang. Email: [email protected]