The Effect Of Using Stad And Nht Learning Models And Cognitive Style On Students’ Achievements (Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Pembelajaran Tipe Stad Dan Nht Dengan Gaya Kognitif Terhadap Hasil Belajar)
ICETA 5 || International Conference on Education Technology of Adi Buana 24 Mei 2014 || ISBN: 978-979-3870-58-8 Penerbit : Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya Penulis 1: Lenny Marlina Penulis 2: Nurmida Catherine Sitompul
The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the significance of achievements of the students who were taught using STAD and NHT learning methods, (2) the significance of
achievements of students who had cognitive style independent field and those with field
dependent, (3) the significance of interaction between the use of methods of learning and
cognitive styles of the students towards their learning outcomes of. Type of this research was quasi experimental design. The population was 163 students of class XI of St. Thomas Aquino Catholic High School Surabaya and Tamansiswa High School Mojokerto. The samples accounted for 130 students assigned by random technique. The data collection technique was tests comprising cognitive style and achievement tests. The collected data were then analyzed by using independent samples t test analysis to test the hypotheses and two-way ANOVA analysis to test the third hypothesis. Based on the results of this study it could be concluded: (1) There was a significant difference between the achievements of the students who were taught using STAD and those by NHT methods, (2) There was a significant difference between the achievements of the students who had the cognitive style of field independent and field dependent, (3) There was an interaction between the use of methods of learning and cognitive styles of students on their learning achievements.
Key words: STAD, NHT, cognitive style, learning achievements, Biology